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Cantigny Day Retreat

Let's take a mediation walk in the gardens.

The Magic of Nature
The Magic of Nature

Cantigny Day Retreat, July 12th 12pm - 6pm


Check-in, Welcome Packets & Goodie Bags 12-1pm

Guided Garden Tours 1-1:45pm

Event Description

Join us for a guided tour of the beautiful Cantigny Gardens, where you’ll be led by an expert guide through stunning landscapes and lush gardens.

Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast or simply enjoy nature, this tour will offer fascinating insights into the history, design, and diverse plant life that make Cantigny Gardens a truly unique destination.

Our knowledgeable guide will share the stories behind the gardens,

pointing out notable plants, seasonal highlights, and the creative vision

behind the different garden areas. It’s the perfect opportunity to ask

questions and learn more about the art of gardening in a peaceful,

picturesque setting.

Break 1:45pm-2pm

Lunch & Social Hour 2-3:30pm

We’re excited to offer you a couple of great lunch options during the event:

1. Bring Your Own Lunch

Feel free to pack and bring your own lunch if you prefer. It’s a great

way to enjoy your personal favorites during the event!

2. Lunch at Cantigny Cafe

If you’d prefer to grab lunch on-site, the Cantigny Cafe is open daily

and offers a variety of delicious food options. The cafe is located in

the Visitors Center gallery and features a range of items, including:

-Ready-made sandwiches

-Fresh wraps and salads

-Coffee drinks

-Premium ice cream

-Assorted snacks

3. After picking up your can enjoy it at one of the scenic

patios or in the comfortable indoor space of the Visitors Center.

Guided Walking Meditation 3:30-4:30pm

Join us for a meditative walk throughout the gardens as we talk about how to find concentration through exploration of the beautiful gardens and outdoor scenic scenery at Cantigny. 

Break 4:30-5pm

Closing Ceremony 5-6pm Join us for an 8 Limbs of Yoga Discussion

As we close our time together, we invite you to explore the deeper aspects of yoga beyond the physical postures. Yoga is a lifestyle that integrates ethics, practices, and guidelines to help us achieve the highest levels of bliss, joy, and fulfillment in life.

In this closing session, we will dive into the 8 Limbs of Yoga, discussing

their significance and how they can be applied in everyday life. Each of

these limbs offers a unique perspective on personal growth, mindfulness, and connection to oneself and the world around us.

Topics of Discussion:

1. Yamas – Learn about the ethical guidelines that address our behavior

towards others and how they shape our interactions and


2. Niyamas – Explore self-perception and the personal observances

that help us cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves.

3. Asana – Understand the physical practice of yoga, which not only

strengthens the body but also prepares it for deeper meditation.

4. Pranayama – Delve into the practice of breath control and how

conscious breathing can help center the mind and body.

5. Pratyahara – Discover how withdrawal from external distractions can

help us turn our senses inward and deepen our awareness.

6. Dharana – Learn about the practice of concentration and how it leads

to improved focus and clarity in our daily lives.

7. Dhyana – Move beyond concentration into the state of meditation,

where stillness and clarity emerge.

8. Samadhi – Understand the ultimate goal of yoga: reaching a state of

bliss, inner peace, and connection to the universe.


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