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How to Share Your Message, from a Fellow Introvert.

Look at my pretty graphic! Isn't that just SO swanky? First off, YES! I will tell you how I created it. Check out CANVA for your doodling needs. Even better, they have numerous templates to help you share your message. No, they don't pay me to say that but I'm always happy to pass on an awesome message-sharing resource!

So let's break this post down, shall we? Things you need to know...

1. I'm an introvert. Yes, it's true! Even though people often comment on how friendly I am, what an amazing business person I am, what a "Spectacular Salesperson" I am - I heard that one today and it gave me all the feels! Here's the truth. What I am is good at sharing my authentic message. Since I genuinely would love nothing more than a world full of peeps living their hopes and dreams, the sales follow.

2. Your brand is your message. Do you want to convey that you have simple, direct solutions for your peeps? GREAT! Have your branding be simple and direct. I personally prefer to hang out in the deep end of the waters, so for me I really have to work at the simplicity piece. Whatever your jam, have your message ring clear and you will attract your TRIBE!

3. You may have to do some things you don't love in order to do what you love. YES it's TRUE! While I definitely am living my dream professionally, it takes quite a bit of time and discipline to put those infrastructures together. Believe it or not, I don't really enjoy hanging out on social media all day. What I do love, however, is connecting with folks and learning about their hopes and dreams. Peeps tend to share these aspirations on social media, so it can be a great platform to truly get to know someone.

4. Facebook is not a mythical forest. You can arrange to have coffee, wine, or get together with the peeps you meet there. For me, FB is tops because I have a chance to build relationships before meeting at social gatherings. As an introvert, this can really come in handy to chat it up with folks. I also find it handy to skip the small talk, as you don't need to "catch up" as the newsfeed already did that for you. Now we can kick back with a glass of wine and take about hopes and dreams! *Clap and Cheer here!

5. Collaborate! This is the pinnacle and prime source of JOY! I simply love to collaborate with other folks. It's easier if they are like-minded, but I grow more if they are not. I do tend to have more fun with high-vibing folks that travel at a higher frequency, but I'll save that for another post.

6. Socializing is easier when you're a good listener. Now, this doesn't mean to leave all the work to your gal pal to hold space for the entire conversation, but it does imply that genuinely listening is a lot more fun than thinking of your reply while your peep is still talking.

Finally! Weave it together! Spend some time on your message. What do you want to share with the world? If you don't yet quite know what your message is, I recommend Marie Forleo's Everything is Figureoutable to explore your hopes and dreams. If you have a pretty good idea what your message is, don't wait for perfection...send it out there! Get the conversation started. You just never know who will come into your frame to complete your picture. One thing is for sure, life is short, so you need to make time for your hopes and dreams. Don't like social media? Here's the grit of it...that's where the peeps are right now. So embrace what is and LET IT RAIN!

Want more? Setup your Discovery Chat with me to talk shop about your hopes and dreams. Not quite there yet? Head on over to my DIY course that will give you all sorts of fun nuggets to chew on.

Whatever you do, share your message!! The world is waiting to hear it!




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