We are in this together.

Happy New Year! Are you hoping 2025 will bring you something new? If you felt last year let you down...make this next year one for the books.
This is NOT about reinventing yourself or becoming a NEW YOU. You are perfect as you are. This is about becoming a healthier version of yourself.

Health can be physical health, financial health, emotional health...and so much more. This year I invite you to embark on a journey of new habits formed in living a yogic lifestyle. Don't worry...this doesn't mean giving up cheese...who even wants to do that? It is about giving your soul the gift of self-care and prioritizing your well-being. For me, it is about getting a good night's sleep. For some, it is about getting some movement in or eating a little better than if you just didn't give a f*ck...yeah...I said it! There's a cookbook with that title that I highly recommend. It is time to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and time to start focusing on what you want. Each day is closer to the end of the year, and this year, I want you to quietly whisper to yourself "I did it" when the clock rings twelve.

To help you with your goals, I am offering CODE: NEWYEAR50 for 50% off ALL of our programs. Consider becoming a Health Coach today, or earn your stripes and become a Yoga Teacher. Do the things you love to do...while immersing yourself in a field of wellness. You deserve it.
Questions? Send me a CHAT at edgeyogaschool.com to begin. xo Michelle Rae Sobi, Edge Yoga School