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Today, it’s Me

Simplify in 2025

Today, I BLOG. It is time to slow down, take a deep breath…and take a long hard look at what I want this holiday season to look like.

This will not be the year I put myself in debt buying chachkies that will end up in the donation bin.

This will be the year of gazing inward to map a plan of freedom of my time.

To do this, I have a journal in hand to be my North Star for the year ahead.

Here are some buzz words you’ll see in the upcoming year:

- Daily Movement

- Simplify

- Update Vision Board

- Snuggle Pups

- Teacher, Studio, Trainer, Mentor

- Classes, Labs, Workshops, Field Trips

- Steps: Intro, Stories, Glimpse, Webinar, Anatomy, BONUS Ayurveda

I invite you to create a journal with buzz words that are meaningful to you. Each day, spend a bit of time journaling on one of the words. They don’t need to make sense to others. You don’t need to defend your priorities to anyone else.

Just make it about YOU!

Align every decision you make to be one that brings you closer to (if even a step) to one of your buzzwords. Keep track. Graph it. Make it weird. Turn it into a science experiment of how you can measure your decisions to become acts…to habits…to lifestyle.

Sometimes I post for you, sometimes I post for my business, today I post for me.

What do you want in the year ahead? More of the same? Great! Something else? Great. Whatever it is, just work towards it and keep your eyes on the prize.

My prize is time.


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