We bend over backwards to ensure you have all of the resources to enhance and share your craft!

I am here to walk alongside you on your journey. Edge is anything but a cookie-cutter training program. Yogis are unique individuals with personal reasons for wanting to take yoga teacher training. While we are a five-star rated Yoga Alliance school, we are so...so...much more!

We are delighted to announce our recent move to Downtown Naperville. There, we will focus on mentorship services at our Washington Street location. We have partnered with venues around town to ensure you get your asana on. Check out our friends at Grow Wellness Center to take your mat while you earn hours for yoga teacher training! Be sure to say Hi to Mare while you are there, and consider her for Yoga Therapy!

Some folks need to busy their hands to quiet the monkeys of the mind! This is known as the sixth limb of yoga defined by Patanjali in the classic yogic text, Yoga Sutras. Finding meditation through concentration is a practice you work like a bicep curl. Pull out your paint brushes and earn yoga teacher training hours at our friends at Naperville Art League. Stop by the front desk and ask about a membership to enjoy their open house for only $5 per session. I hope to see you there on Wednesday nights for Paint Meditations!

Do you dream of beautiful Sound Baths to enhance your meditation offerings? Let's find your perfect instrument and thread in an element of sound to help your yogis concentrate and let go. Did I mentions that "thread" translates to "sutra" in Sanskrit?
Ready to bring your music to the next level? Ask Michelle about Sound Recording Services offered at the 95th Street Library to record and publish your podcast. We also meet there weekly for LAB in the conference room.

Suffer from Imposture Syndrome? Don't want to self-promote or don't know how? I get it. I really do. Let me help you tell the world what you love about yoga. The tech side of things isn't always the most fun part of being a Yoga Teacher. If you aspire to have pairs of shoes in the lobby, then this must be done. Let me help you go digital with a Yoga Asana Photoshoot for social, booking software, and more. Book your Discovery Call with me now! See how easy that was?

Need a Tribe? All are welcome at Edge Yoga School & Arts! If you want to teach yoga classes, join our upcoming cohort for Hybrid In-Person YTT! If you already took your 200hr and are ready to refine your offerings to include yoga retreats, workshops, and teacher trainings, join our 300hr and earn your RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance. Want to train in-person instead of online? Our hybrid program is for you! *PreReq: You need to have completed your 200hr or enroll in both concurrently to enroll in our 300hr program.

We are located Downtown Naperville at 525 S. Washington Street. There, you will enjoy private and small group mentorship with Michelle Rae Sobi to ensure your training includes all eight limbs of yoga. Edge Alum are offering classes all around town, so let's find your favorite venue to practice and start the journey of a lifetime. Questions? Send me a CHAT to begin a conversation. If I am not online, I will get back to you right away. Let me share my experience with you in our next cohort. Did I mention we have a flexible schedule that fits your life? Yoga is nothing, if not flexible. Here are the Eight Limbs of Yoga that you will practice in our programs: Yamas: Your community awaits you. Niyamas: Let's dive deep in self-study. If the world around you is a reflection of you, let's start with you.
Asanas: Take your mat at any of the venues where Edge Alum teach!
Pranayama: Take a centering breath!
Pratyahara: Learn the art of withdrawing your attention from distractions.
Dharana: Pick up your paint brush or sound bowl to tame the monkeys of the mind.
Dhyana: True meditation. Find clarity through stillness.
Samadhi: Bliss, Joy, Connection...find what aligns with your belief system, and know that this is possible in the here and now. Namaste, Michelle Rae Sobi, RYS E-RYT 500, RPYT, YACEP, RCYT, ACE, NP, IAY

Want to see a sample weekly schedule of training? Most folks complete our program in four to eight months, but you have up to a year to complete it! Pick and choose what you do each week, based on your availability. You will work closely with Michelle Rae Sobi to ensure you earn all of your Lecture, Lab, and Practicum hours for our training. Pull out your calendar and make some time for you! Tuesday 12-1 or Sunday 12-1pm: Jump on the conference call to chat about the Eight Limbs of Yoga with Michelle for LAB hours. Wednesday 7-8pm : Head on over to Naperville Art League to practice Paint Meditations. Thursday 1-2pm or Sunday 1-2pm: Join Michelle for LAB at the 95th Street Library. Grab a LECTURE from our pre-recorded YTT sessions housed in our online library at MichelleRaeSobi.com each week for an hour. Earn up to 20 hours taking yoga at your favorite studio. We recommend Grow Wellness Group at the 5th Avenue Station, but you choose what is right for you!