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YTT Day Retreat

Embodiment of the 8 Limbs of Yoga Workshop

YTT Workshop Created by Sam of Space for Balance. Students of Edge Yoga School & Arts may earn lab hours in this event.

The purpose of this workshop is to learn the 8 limbs of yoga in a way that is applicable both on and off the mat through diving into lectures and hands-on activities that put the limbs into practice and memory.

Workshop Theme: The 8 limbs of Yoga as well as the Yamas & Niyamas

Workshop Date: Offered every 1st Saturday of the month from 11:30am - 5:30pm

Venue Details: The Space for Balance ~ A home studio @ 6511 Goldhaber Ln. Plainfield, IL 60586

What do students need to bring : A notebook: preferably a new journal, one they will dedicate to their personal practice while applying the 8 limbs to their own lives.

Tuition: $222 per student

Workshop Description: Workshop includes 3 one hour lectures/discussions staggered with 3 hours of yoga practice. Students will get to take home a personalized blend of bath salts with dried flowers to use with the intention of meditating on Saucha and a set of crystals to use in Dharana practices.

●  Lecture/Discussion 1 briefly introduces the 8 limbs and dives into the Yamas in detail

●  Yoga Practice 1 will apply information learned about the Yamas

●  Lecture/Discussion 2 dives into the Niyamas in detail

●  Yoga Practice 2 will apply information learned about the Niyamas through mindful

activities and Asana flow with guided meditation

●  Lecture/Discussion 3 dives into all 8 limbs in detail

●  Yoga Practice 3 will apply information learned about each of the 8 limbs


11:30am Welcome & Introductions

11:40am Overview of the workshop and introduce the 8 Limbs

11:50am Discussion of the 5 Yamas 12:30pm Yoga Practice 1:30pm Brief break & bring out light, healthy snacks 1:40pm Discussion of the 5 Niyamas

2:30pm Yoga Practice & Mindful Activities 3:30pm Discussion of the 8 Limbs 4:30pm Guided Meditation Practice applying the 8 limbs 5:30pm Workshop Closing Circle

"I am here to be human and share tools of wellbeing. I love sharing information about yoga as a lifestyle and helping people to realize just how much power they have to create more peace and balance for themselves. I love telling people “if they can breathe, they can do yoga.” It’s always rewarding to expand people’s perspectives of yoga beyond asana. Yoga philosophy and lifestyle are so much more in reach than many realize and I live to get yoga into people’s lives on and off their mats. I love getting yoga into people’s homes, hearts, and minds."

- Sam

I am passionate about sharing my own journey to live as an example and giving space for others to share their own journeys without judgment.

The lifestyle of yoga saved my life countless ways, countless times. I wish to share it with all who have interest.

What learning objectives do you want the students to leave the workshop with?

●  Knowledge of the 8 Limbs: What they are and what they mean

●  Knowledge of the Yamas & Niyamas: What they are and how to apply them

●  Exercises and practices to apply the 8 Limbs to everyday life

●  Practices and perspectives to explore on their mats

●  Realization of ways that they already embody the 8 Limbs so they may expand

upon them.

*Your space is not reserved until payment is made.


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